Tired of OOP/OOD at work? Of all these SaaS, SOA, PAAS, CQRS, DDD and other BLAH-BLAHs? Come on, just joking (-_-)
The thing is, few months ago I experienced some inexplicable desire to balance this pretty high-level and abstract stuff I usually deal with as a system architect, with something really low-level, the TRUE one if you will.
Some DIY hardware.
Let's start with Atmel AVR and Arduino as its brightest (and trendy) representative.
Arduino Uno
The original Arduino board is pretty complex to create and solder as for beginner - it has 2 sides PCB layout. I've chosen Freeduino MaxSerial (use Google) - its one-sided, no surface mount elements and has RS-232 interface (I did not found USB-to-TTL chip on local radio market, so no USB)